Most are in PDF format. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The Oxford House Manuals

  • The Oxford House Manual provides the guidelines for group living to all residents of an Oxford House. It is now available in Spanish and translations into other languages are in preparation.
  • The Oxford House Chapter Manual provides the guidelines for houses to get together as a local chapter to provide mutual support to each other.
  • The Oxford House Council Manual provides the guidelines for the members of the World Council to conduct their business, spells out the role of the World Council and enumerates resolutions passed by Oxford House World Conventions [1999-2006].
  • The Oxford House Manual, The Oxford House Chapter Manual and The Oxford House World Council Manual are also available by mail for $5.00 each from
    Oxford House World Services
    1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 300
    Silver Spring, MD 20910

The Oxford House Concept

  • Video: Oxford House, segment aired on 60 Minutes.
    The Oxford House video (VHS or DVD) is also available by mail for $15.00 from
    Oxford House World Services
    1010 Wayne Ave., Suite 300
    Silver Spring, MD 20910
  • "Self-Run, Self-Supported Houses for More Effective Recovery from Alcohol and Drug Addition"
    The National Clearing House for Alcohol and Drug Information
    P.O. Box 2345
    Rockville, MD 20852
    Order Inventory No. PHD 584
    Telephone: (800) 729-6686
    An abridgement of the book is available online:
    Oxford House – The Model
  • November 1989 Washington Post Magazine Article:
    The Oxford House Experiment

Oxford House Newsletters

Oxford House Forms

Oxford House Pamphlets

Oxford House Profile Publication and Form